Access to online CGI 2019 proceedings published in the Visual Computer is granted to registered CGI 2019 conference participants and is available here at:
Access to online CGI 2019 proceedings published in the LNCS is granted to registered CGI 2019 conference participants and is available here at:
Please note that location, time and order of presenters is subject to changes. In exceptional circumstances, if your presentation conflicts with your travel arrangements (arrival/departure), please contact Prof. Jian Chang ( to see if changes are possible.
Please note that VC (Visual Computer) and L (LNCS long) sessions all have presentations scheduled for 20 minutes overall duration, including 3-5 min for questions. S (LNCS short) sessions all have presentation durations of 15 minutes including Q&A.
Please check program updates regularly – they will be communicated on this web site following any changes.
The scientific program of the conference will include full and short papers. The selected full papers will be published in the Visual Computer Journal (impact factor 1.09) by Springer-Verlag. Other accepted papers will be included in the CGI conference proceedings published by LNCS, Springer. Full paper length should be 8-12 pages and short paper length should be 5-7 pages. Only full papers submitted before February deadline will be considered for publication in the Visual Computer Journal.
Papers should be submitted in PDF format. You may include videos in MP4, WMV and AVI format. For multiple videos, please use zip file. Please note that there is a maximum file size of 40 MB per submission.
The Visual Computer Papers (8~12 pages including figures): A template for the full paper submission by February deadline is available for Microsoft Word and LaTex.
The CGI proceedings papers (8~12 pages full papers, 5~7 pages short papers including figures and references): A template for the full and short paper submission by March deadline is found at Springer, LNCS website. Authors should consult Springer’s author’s guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for Microsoft Word or for LaTex, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form, through which the copyright for their paper is transferred to Springer. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.
Note that the review process is double blind, which requires the paper and all supplemental materials to be anonymous. Ensure that self-referencing is anonymous (refer to your full name rather than “I” or “we”). Avoid providing information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgements (e.g. co-workers and grant IDs) and in the supplemental material (e.g. titles in the movies, or attached papers). Avoid providing links to websites that identify the authors. Violation of any of these guidelines will lead to rejection without review.
All papers submitted to CGI’19 have to be original and checked for plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, by each author prior to submission. If a paper is found to fall in the category of plagiarism, the paper will be automatically rejected.
For all accepted full and short papers, at least one author must pay a full conference registration (no student discount is applied). At least one author must present the paper orally at the conference.
CGI 19 registration is now open. To register please proceed to REGISTRATION page.
Visa Requests:
All requests for visa to enter Canada must be made to and include:
- Full Name
- Affiliation
- Date of Birth
- Full address and country of residence
- Phone Number
- Official e-mail
- Accepted paper ID
- Paper title
- Proof of registration attached to the request
Invitation letter will be issued within 48 hours of obtaining this information in electronic form.